Care For Animals Little Rock How Do I Care For These Baby Turtles?!?

How do I care for these baby turtles?!? - care for animals little rock

OK, so I went outside this little shop where they sell a lot of jewelry to toys to fish, then these two little turtles in a cage made of plastic. one of the plastic tanks are 7 centimeters long and 3 cm wide and has a color that is on the upper deck and a small plastic handle. Generally sold in the shop using PET, a hamster or other small animals in the PS market. hope u know what in the affected. In any case, you have two turtles is very low. can not exceed 2 cm in length, such as when they leave their shells. At the moment I have in this tank came with a little water to swim and I today. The now not sure whether I will or can not hold. In the past I have Turler, but they were much larger and I was very young, so I do not remember much. Bellys them yellow. theyre a very young age, they can keep it for now, or should I leave tomorrow and buy maybe a really small rectangular tank and buy more things like rocks and gravel. Perhaps a plant. Google IM, but I want opinions of REAI like people at all! :) I've bought because id like them as pets, and I am financially able to care for them, so do not get it, not only for the nursing staff. so someone with experience with baby turtles in general. only informative and pleasant answers plz. Criticism. Thank you:)


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